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Quick Start Guide

Building your first guided Navattic demo

Account Set Up

Now that your workspace is activated and you have a Navattic account (reach out to your workspace admin if you do not yet have an account), you are ready to get started building your first product tour.

First off, download the Navattic Chrome Extension for Google Chrome. Once this extension is installed, you can start capturing your product!

Scoping Your Product Tour

Before you create a Navattic product tour, it's helpful to think about what you're trying to accomplish and your intended audience. How do you want to deliver your product’s value while including the right messages and call to actions (CTAs) throughout the tour?

Start by breaking down the problem you're trying to solve into the following:

  • What are the 2-5 product “wow moments” you want to ensure a viewer sees and comprehends by the end of the product tour?
  • What is the primary action (e.g., book a full demo, talk to sales, start a free trial) you would like a viewer to take from this tour?
  • What are the screens and sections of your product that enable you to tell a concise but powerful story in a ~2-4 minute window?

More information on Best Practices.

Capturing Screens

Now that you have your project scoped out and extension installed, it is time to start capturing your product. From the Captures menu, select “Create new” and enter a name and product URL.

Once the new tab opens in your browser, simply navigate to the desired page, add an optional capture title into the text input field on the capture bar, and click the “Capture” button (or use our hotkey CMD+C) to capture the screen. Once the green checkmark appears, move on to the next screen and repeat the process. Click “Finish” to navigate back to the Capture Collection page.

More information on Captures.

Building a Flow

After taking your captures (as a note, you can always add additional captures to a collection), click on “Generate Flow” and select the captures that you would like to add into your first flow. By default, the captures will appear in chronological order as they were intially captured with a modal step type.

The modal step type is used for welcome and closing messages, tour transition sections, or other longer form sections of text. The tooltip step type is used to point to a specific element on the capture. The invisible step type is used when you don’t want any dialog boxes present on the step. The form step type is used to collect information (e.g., email, name) from a viewer.

More information on Flows.

Publishing a Project

Now that you have created your first flow, you can create your first project to generate a shareable link to the tour. From the Projects menu, select “Create new” and enter a name, initial flow (this will the flow that you just created) and optional checklist (more information on Checklists). Next, your project URL will generate and you can share the direct tour link or emebed on a website (more information on Embedding a Project).

More information on Projects.